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The Third Leg

April - July 2000

The aquatic continent of Oceania encompasses most of the island nations of the Pacific.  Our intention was to spend time in each of the three great cultural areas into which it is conventionally divided:  Micronesia (from the Greek for 'small islands'), Melanesia ('black islands'), and Polynesia ('many islands'). 

The more we've travelled, the more we've become oriented towards learning about different cultures and away from sightseeing.  So, while we very much enjoyed the sights of New Zealand's South Island and Hawaii's Big Island, they were more respites than highlights.   Probably the most rewarding cross-cultural experience we've ever been privileged to enjoy was our too-brief visit to the remote outer island of Fais, in Micronesia.  This was followed closely by our varied experiences in the Melanesian nation of Vanuatu, most especially in Tanna and North Malekula.  Of course, visiting the western Pacific without diving is like visiting Africa without going on safari; Palau was unsurpassed for marine life, and Santo had the ultimate wreck dive.

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